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  • Agreement with the architect has been signed in the EIKA managed business centre project in Lvovo street

    UAB Verslo investicijos (Business Investment) and UAB Architektūros kūrybinė grupė have signed a design agreement for a future administrative building at Lvovo str. 21A. UAB Architektūros kūrybinė grupė (AKG) is the winner of the announced international architectural competition.

    The EIKA managed business centre project is a 15 to 20 storey building which is planned to be equipped with public spaces for meetings, catering, recreation and wellness areas, roof terrace for employees, bicycle and scooter storage with the necessary infrastructure. Areas of the floors vary from 500 to 900 square meters. They will be easy to split into offices of different sizes.

    According to Domas Dargis, the CEO of EIKA, the signing of the Agreement is the result of constructive and flexible work in harmonizing the design proposal with the winner of the competition.

    “Further continuing work with the team of the architect Remigijus Bimba we will create a new urban space for the city which will blend seamlessly into the city panorama, and the functionality and flexibility of the interior spaces will satisfy the needs of various businesses or activities. The location of the project and the integration of the project into the overall business environment are the biggest advantages. Through this project we want to promote wellness by equipping certain recreational areas and by giving emphasis on movement and health in the project. We will design and build the project using BREEAM recommendations and will strive to get an Excellent rating”, – says Domas Dargis, the CEO of EIKA.

    According to Remigijus Bimba, the Head of Architektūros kūrybinė grupė, the project is interesting by the fact that in Vilnius, in the urban hill of high-rise buildings that was started to be formed, on the right bank of the river Neris, completes the development of the hill on the east side looking from the city centre.

    ”It will be visible from many panoramic points of Vilnius. Its visibility from many places, and its proximity to the Church of St. Raphael and the monastery buildings, are exactly the things that oblige creating a subtle building of modest shapes. The planned and volumetric composition of the building is made up of two vertical parts, which are pushed in respect of each other, and with the narrow edges are oriented to the south, to the left bank of the river and the city centre. Simplicity of the shapes of the building, the graphics of the facades, and the colour solution will not discord but will supplement the composition of the urban hill of the right bank of the river. The partitioning of the facades will be dominated by verticals that emphasize the slenderness and lightness of the volume. The neutral colour glass with a slight reflection will reflect the environment and will adjust to the existing buildings”, – R. Bimba comments on the architectural solutions of the building.

    The architects of the project – Remigijus Bimba, Giedrė Barzdžiukaitė and Raimondas Gudauskas from AKG.

    Following the signature of the agreement, the project proposal will be further improved, the solutions will be coordinated with Vilnius City Municipality, other responsible institutions and interested groups. In the 1st quarter of 2020, the project will be presented for the public deliberation. The construction is scheduled to begin in the 3rd quarter of 2020, and the construction of the whole project is scheduled to be completed in the 2nd quarter of 2022.

    UAB Verslo investicijos (Business Investment), which is the client for the project development, assigned UAB EIKA with the task of managing the project.