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  • Eika ranked first in the Baltic Property Awards in the category of residential construction
    Santariškių namai project by UAB Eika became the winner in the Baltic Property Awards organised by Baltic Real Estate and Investment Forum.The project was recognized as the best in the category of residential buildings with Gilė apartments in the low-rise village, phase III.
    On May 21-22 this year, real estate market participants met in Vilnius in the Baltic real estate and investment forum.The forum is organised for the fifth consecutive year and the Baltic real estate awards were held for the first time. It was a competition of the Baltic region projects or stages of major projects, completed in 2014.“Projects implemented in the Baltic states resented for the competition were evaluated based on several key criteria,”says Algirdas Vaitiekūnas, a jury member and the board chairman of real estate association RICS Baltic.According to A. Vaitiekūnas, the jury evaluated the architectural buildings (interface with the surrounding environment), the residential area, the settlement noise level, the distance to the parks and green areas.The jury also considered the energy saving solutions.Public infrastructure, terraces and balconies, parking were singled out as important factors.Experience and reliability of the organisation developing the project also had impact on the assessment.
    Based on these criteria, 15 projects in the Baltic countries were selected in the categories of residential, shopping malls and offices.Santariškių namai project by UAB Eika was nominated as the best residential project in the Baltic States.The best project in the supermarket category was the Ülemiste project in Tallinn by Linstow company, and the best of this project and the Baltic states was Capital Mill business Centre Navigator in Tallinn.
    About EIKA group
    Established in 1992 EIKA is one of the largest real estate developers and construction service providers in Lithuania. Companies of EIKA group: “Eika” is a real estate market leader, valued for the progress, innovativeness and reliability; “Eikos statyba” is one of the biggest construction companies in Lithuania with great experience in the construction and renovation of administrative, public, commercial, industrial and residential buildings.
    More information:
    Martynas Žibūda
    Director of Development Department
    Tel. +370 5 2496619
    E-mail: martynas.zibuda@eika.lt